3 Ways to Keep Fire Ants Out

Of all the different types of common household ants, fire ants are the most dangerous. These ants have a powerful sting that leads to blisters, red skin, and itching. In an allergic reaction, a fire ant’s sting can create difficulty breathing, swelling, and even death! Here are a few things that you can do to keep fire ants out of your house:

  • Keep food out of sight! Ants will enter your home looking for food. If a single ant finds significant amounts of safe food, hundreds will likely follow. That’s because of ants’ special ability to mark a safe food source so that other ants can find it. The other members of their colony will come to carry away your spilled food or exposed pet food and – before you know it – you have an infestation on your hands.
  • Fix any leaks in your plumbing! Ants will also come marching into your home looking for a safe water source. If they find one, you may soon have hundreds of unwelcome house guests!
  • And the most important preventive measure: have your home regularly sprayed for bugs by a pest control professional. If, in spite of your best efforts, you find that you have an infestation on your hands, give a call to your Utah pest control experts and we’ll swiftly dispatch them for you.